Basic Core Workout

A tight core is something that many people want. But, do you believe you have what it takes and the focus to make that happen? One of the most basic, yet brutal exercises is something known to many people as the plank. There’s three different kinds of planks. The normal front plank, the right plank, and finally the left plank.

While completing these exercises you will feel an immense amount of pain in your core, and then you’ll feel your core become extremely tight. The key to doing this exercise is to try your hardest to do each one for at least 60 seconds. Then take a minute break and repeat for around three sets.

Anybody that knows anything about planks will speak the same about them. They are not easy until you’ve been doing them often and for a good period. As you progress with this exercise, you should challenge yourself, because in the fitness world that’s what you’re really supposed to do. So, if a minute then becomes a breeze, you should then attempt to do 90 seconds or even two minutes.

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